Thank you for taking an interest in the Prototyping And Development Sockets And Adapters parts that we currently have in stock on Stacked Aviation. Here, you can find various part numbers that are currently available for purchase, including those such as PA-QFE100R-B-S-01, and other relevant items. If there is a particular listing that you wish to procure, first begin by filling out and submitting a Request for Quote (RFQ) form which you may find through the links situated next to each part.
Take the time to explore our vast collection of Prototyping And Development Sockets And Adapters parts at your leisure, and you may always narrow down results with ease through the use of our provided search engine and filters. If you would like to start a purchasing order over the phone, our sales reps are always at the ready and would be happy to fulfill your needs. Experience the most “hands-off” purchasing process when you choose to procure your project requirements with Stacked Aviation.
Part Number | Part Type | Manufacturer | Description | QTY | RFQ |
PA-QFE100R-B-S-01 | prototyping and development sockets and adapters | ironwood electronics | qfp (w/smt lands) prototyping adapters; top package code: qfe100rb/rc/rd/re/rf/rg; bottom package | Avl | RFQ |
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